Let’s Go Zero school action:
Cheney Secondary School, England 

Cheney Secondary School have done a lot of work on identifying wastage and reducing use. They worked with an organisation called Reduce Your Use to reduce their water and energy consumption by 30%. They have also: 

  • Installed solar panels on their roof, through an NGO called Low Carbon Hub 
  • Double the amount of recycling and halved waste going to landfill 
  • Allocated No Mow Zones and increased biodiversity 

Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.

The teachers and students leading the action:

It is about education and getting the kids to think about the way they make their lifestyle choices and how they can influence their parents. Young people got this a long time ago, the bell curve shows people are eco-aware in the under 30s.”

Rob Pavey

What are they doing in their school?

The school is actively encouraging students and cleaning teams to separate waste. This has meant they have halved waste going to landfill and doubled recycling. 

There is always a vegetarian option on the school menu and both the catering company and students are supportive of reducing meat-based meals.

The school has installed smart metering and have been identifying and fixing leaks, leading to a reduction in water consumption. 

Cheney School are getting their students and parents on board to support with greening the school grounds. Initiatives include ‘No Mow Zones’, increasing biodiversity, tree planting and new outdoor seating areas.

By minimising waste, reducing consumption, and using smart metering, Cheney School have managed to reduce their energy consumption by 30%. By installing the solar panels on their roof, they now produce 11% of their own electricity and by working with Low Carbon Hub, it has meant the school had no upfront cost.

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