Climate Action Countdown: Friday 28 June – Hot off the Press

Hot off the press

The Climate Action Countdown June 7 – July 5. For more fantastic ideas about how to get involved, download our activity packs here!

This Climate Action Countdown challenge is to tell the world what you and your school have been doing to take climate action.

Spread the word

You need to share exciting and impactful work that is happening to tackle climate change. This will inspire others to take action and feel positive about the future.  

Energy switch-off days, meat-free menus, walk to school weeks, uniform swaps, and solar panels. Classes and eco-teams in schools up and down the country are working to reduce their carbon footprint and move towards a zero carbon future. An important step in this journey is to raise awareness of what is happening in your community and beyond. Positive action for our planet spreads when you have the opportunity to broadcast your hard work.

Message sharing opportunities include:

  • Create a newsletter or magazine
  • Make an eye-catching display for a school noticeboard
  • Deliver a presentation to parents/carers
  • Record a short video explaining your work, share it with parents and host it on the school website
  • Present your work in a school assembly. You could even invite a reporter from the local press to attend


What other ways can you think of to spread the message?

Each way of spreading the news has advantages and disadvantages. Which way would work best for you and why?  Who are you trying to tell the news to?

Keep your messaging short and to the point, use bold and bright colours, add photos of your climate actions, and focus on facts and quotes on the positive impact your work has.


Want to do more? Spotlight on Green Schools Project

This activity is part of the Zero Carbon Schools programme run by Green Schools Project. Zero Carbon Schools is a a comprehensive package of resources, training, and support which helps schools measure and reduce their carbon footprint through pupil-led projects. Find out more about the programme and how to sign up for 2024-25.

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