Let’s Go Zero school action:
Damers First School, England

Damers First have been working on environmental sustainability for over eight years and have achieved an inspiring amount, including:

  • Becoming a SAS Plastic Free School.
  • Setting up community recycling points within the school.
  • Having active and engaged students supporting all environmental initiatives.

Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.

The teachers and students leading the action:

“I would like Sustainability to be compulsory in schools, for me, children learning about the environment is just as important as literacy and numeracy.”

Edd Moore
Year Three Teacher and Eco Coordinator

“Through the environment work at Damers I have become more aware of environmental issues, and I know what changes need to be made to make the world a better place.”

8 years old

What are they doing in their school?

The students have been active in getting the local community to recycle – printing cartridges, pens, biscuit wrappers, crisp packets, soap dispensers, baby pouches, helping the environment and raising £1500 towards a bird hide and wildlife area.

The school became an SAS Plastic Free School in May 2018. The students contacted businesses supplying school fruit and milk asking if fruit could come in card boxes and milk in glass bottles.

The students learn about where their food comes from by growing vegetables and fruit by seasons. They have learnt what is produced in each season as well as rotating the beds.

Every class at Damers First School has an Eco ambassador who forms the Eco Crew. Each class makes a termly pledge related to the Sustainable Development Goals to help animals, people or the environment, giving every child the opportunity to have a voice and speak passionately about environmental issues they believe in.

The students have won four awards at the Young Enterprise Fiver Challenge 2018 with their product Waxtastic No Plastic, an alternative to cling film. They sold the product at local events raising £5000 which financed a school nature area.

The children are part of Dorset Council’s climate change panel. They presented ideas of how the county could reduce climate change. They have created the Damers First School Top Tips.

Damers First School Top Tips

  1. Find a staff leader with the enthusiasm, drive and initiative to take the group forward
  2. Create a passionate group of eco warriors
  3. Make an audit of environmental work in the school, celebrate what you do and improve other areas
  4. Make an action plan of things you are going to work towards
  5. Sign up for Eco Schools and follow their seven steps
  6. Inspire staff, parents and the local community to get involved
  7. Embed environmental work into the school curriculum
  8. Take part in national campaigns such as Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean