Cystadleuaeth Awn am Sero IKEA X

Helping schools build their sustainable projects to life.

Applications closed.

Three school children holding school uniforms

The IKEA x Let’s Go Zero Competition gives schools the chance to kickstart brilliant green projects that cut waste, nurture nature or bring climate learning to life.

Find out more about our 2024 winners!

The furniture giant IKEA and schools zero carbon campaign have joined forces to help schools create projects that inspire students and the wider community, and shows how climate action is inclusive and fun.

Our winning schools were awarded one of three sustainability product bundles: materials to create a swap shop, an outdoor learning area, or sustainability hub – an indoor space for learning about climate issues.

“These fantastic prizes will help schools to be more sustainable – whether that’s through re-using uniforms or enabling outdoor learning. The bundles aim to make taking action practical and easy, and encourage positive behaviour change amongst students, staff and the wider community.  

“We are excited to see the sustainability work schools are already doing and can’t wait for the competition to kick off!” 

Alison Lasenby, Let’s Go Zero Programme Officer

The IKEA and Let’s Go Zero Competition shares the message about schools needing to be more sustainable – whether reducing emissions or increasing biodiversity. 

It’s part of a wider drive to unite communities in doing their bit to fight climate change. Let’s Go Zero is the campaign uniting all 32,000  UK schools to become zero carbon by 2030. 

Each year four schools from across the UK receive one of the IKEA sustainability product bundles up to the value of £1,500 for their project. 


Our 2022 winners

Our 2023 winners

Our 2024 winners


Twitter: @LetsGo_Zero
