

ac eisiau helpu f’ysgol i ymuno.

Wyt ti’n poeni am yr hinsawdd? Eisiau adeiladau ysgol fwy gwyrdd, llai o wastraff yn eich ffreutur a mwy o faterion hinsawdd ar y cwricwlwm?

Dyma ffordd syml o wneud gwahaniaeth mawr: gofynnwch i’ch ysgol weithredu i ddod yn sero carbon erbyn 2030.

Dilynwch y camau syml isod a rhoi gwybod i’ch pennaeth fod newidiadau ymarferol, uniongyrchol y gallant wneud heddiw i greu ysgol sero carbon.

Oherwydd mae’n rhaid i ysgolion sefyll gyda’u myfyrwyr i beri i newid ddigwydd. Chi, efallai, fydd yr un i’w helpu i gymryd y cam cyntaf.

“Rwy’n hynod frwd dros wneud yr hyn fedra’i i addysgu fy nghyfoedion a phobl hŷn am yr argyfwng hinsawdd, a’u hannog i wneud newidiadau – mawr a bach – yn eu bywydau. Fedra’i ddim aros yn dawel wrth i’r harddwch a edmygais trwy f’oes ddiflannu.”
Blwyddyn 12
Mae myfyrwyr gydag Awn am Sero
"Rwy’n rhan o Rwydwaith Eco Ysgolion Llundain lle mae’r eco-gydlynwyr ymysg y myfyrwyr yn cynllunio ymgyrchoedd i achub ein planed. Rwyf wedi cadeirio cyfarfodydd yn ogystal â chynllunio ac arwain cynulliadau i’r ysgol i gyd i godi ymwybyddiaeth am newid hinsawdd. Nawr yw’r amser i weithredu!"
Blwyddyn 12
"Ysgrifennais llynedd at Rishi Sunak, cynrychiolydd ein hardal leol, gan ei herio i wneud mwy i ofalu am yr amgylchedd, a chafodd hyn lawer o sylw yn y cyfryngau. Roeddwn nhw’n fy ngalw yn ‘Greta Swydd Efrog!'"
Blwyddyn 9


Mae taith sero carbon eich ysgol yn dechrau yma

I ddod yn rhan o Awn am Sero, bydd angen i’ch Pennaeth ymuno yma.Dewch i weld sut y mae myfyrwyr eraill yn cymryd camau i annog eu hysgol i wrando a gwneud yr addewid sero carbon:

Ewch â’r gair ar led am y #gweithreduhinsawdd yr ydych yn galw amdano yn eich ysgol.

Po fwyaf o fyfyrwyr, rhieni ac eraill yn eich cymuned sydd yn galw am newid, mwyaf tebygol yw y bydd eich ysgol yn gwrando. Felly defnyddiwch y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu siarad yn uniongyrchol â’ch cyfeillion, ac esbonio pam bod y pwnc hwn o bwys i chi, a pham eich bod yn gofyn am weithredu.

Ceisiwch gael eich athrawon a’ch Pennaeth i gymryd rhan.

Unwaith i chi gael cefnogaeth eich cyfeillion a’ch cymuned, mae’n bryd gofyn i’ch ysgol weithredu. Rydym wedi creu rhai ebyst y gallwch eu haddasu.

Efallai y byddai’n syniad mynd at un athro neu athrawes i gychwyn, i ennyn cefnogaeth – rhywun sydd ar eco-bwyllgor eich ysgol, efallai, neu rywun a’ch dysgodd am faterion hinsawdd mewn gwersi. Neu fe allech fynd yn syth at y pennaeth.

Cofiwch olygu’r templed i roi eich enw i mewn, enw’r athro/athrawes neu’r pennaeth!


Ebost: letsgozero@ashden.org
Twitter: @LetsGo_Zero


Use this text and image to share your #climateaction on Instagram:

I’m joining 200,000 young people taking action to get our schools to commit to becoming zero carbon by 2030.

There are over 32,000 schools in UK. Imagine if ALL of them were carbon zero! We have the chance to bring about real change if we work with our classmates, teachers and communities to transform our schools into clean, green, sustainable places that set an example to the rest of society.

I want my school [INSERT NAME AND/OR TAG] to join the @letsgo_zero campaign and make the zero carbon commitment.

Because students + schools = climate action

Share your #climateaction with this ready-made Tweet, and choose one of the images below to go with it:

Choose an image for your post:

WhatsApp message text:

Have you seen the Let’s Go Zero campaign? Hundreds of schools have already joined. They’re working to be zero carbon by 2030, with more sustainable school buildings, better food, and less waste – as well as talking about climate change in their lessons. 

I think our school should sign up too.  I’m planning on writing to our Head Teacher to tell them about the campaign. The more of us that support the campaign, the more likely we are to sign up as a school.   

Will you share this message?  Doesf you tell me you’re backing the campaign, I can include your name on the letter, and show just how much we ac want our school to tackle the climate crisis. There’s more about the campaign here: www.letsgozero.org 


Use this text to write to or email your teacher about the campaign. You can also attach the leaflet below to provide more information.

Dear [teacher’s name] 

I’m writing to ask for your help getting our school signed up to the Let’s Go Zero campaign. This means our school would work towards becoming zero carbon by 2030. 

Let’s Go Zero is a national campaign, and hundreds of schools have already signed up. They are not promising they will hit this target, but will do what they can to become more sustainable. There are lots of practical things our school can do to cut carbon – like reducing food and energy waste, encouraging greener journeys to and from school, and investing in more eco-friendly buildings. Many of these things save money as well as carbon.  

There’s more information about the campaign at https://letsgozero.org/. Joining would help us work with other local schools, which will make it much easier to take action. The campaign organisers are also talking to the government, asking politicians to give schools more money to become sustainable. The more schools join the campaign, the more powerful that message will be. 

Taking part would also show all our teachers, students and their families that we can do something about climate change. This is a really important issue for me and my friends, and we would love to get involved in creating a greener school. 

You need to be a head teacher or school leader to sign up to the campaign – but I know it would make a big difference if you could say this is a good idea. 


[Your name] 

Use this text to write to or email your head teacher about the campaign. You can also attach the leaflet below to provide more information.

Dear [head teacher’s name] 

I’m writing to ask you to sign our school up to lansio’r Let’s Go Zero campaign. This means we would pledge to work towards becoming zero carbon by 2030. 

Let’s Go Zero is a national campaign, and hundreds of schools have already signed up. They are not promising they will hit this target, but will do what they can to become more sustainable. There are lots of practical things our school can do to cut carbon – like reducing food and energy waste, encouraging greener journeys to and from school, and investing in more eco-friendly buildings. Many of these things save money as well as carbon 

There’s more information about the campaign at https://letsgozero.org/. Joining would help us work with other local schools, which will make it much easier take action. The campaign organisers ar also talking to the government, asking politicians to give schools more money to become sustainable. The more schools join the campaign, the more powerful that message will be. 

Taking part would also show all our teachers, students and their families that we can do something about climate change. This is a really important issue for me and my friends, and we would love to get involved in creating a greener school. 


[Your name]