Let’s Go Zero competitions

Three children outside with a teacher smiling at the camera. One of the children is holding a chicken.

OVO Foundation Nature Prize

OVO Foundation and Let’s GO Zero have teamed up to improve children and young people’s access to nature and biodiversity. OVO Foundations 3 year project with Let’s Go Zero will award 25 schools a year across the UK a cash prize of £1,000 or £200 for projects that bring their students closer to nature.

By inspiring climate action in these schools, the project will bring over 37,000 children closer to nature!

For a chance to win schools were simply asked to submit their ideas for projects. It was a bonus if these projects fell within the key areas identified by Let’s Go Zero for effective carbon reduction: Nature, Food, Adaptation and Resilience, Water, Culture, and Waste.

Six children standing outside with their OVO Nature Prize Certificate behind a table with thier homegrown vegetables on

This year's competition

The winning projects involve tree planting, vegetable growing and supporting wildlife on the school grounds. Our judges looked for creative and engaging ideas with the power to inspire young people and the wider school community, with a focus on including less advantaged groups in underserved areas.

2024 winners

From food waste wormeries, to wasteland community gardens and rewilding projects, be inspired by these awesome schools winning cash to take action for nature.

IKEA X Let's Go Zero competitions

The IKEA X Let’s Go Zero school competition is a three-year competition kickstarting fantastic green projects in schools that slashed waste, boosted nature and super-charged climate learning.

Each year, four schools were chosen as the cream of the crop and were sent an IKEA sustainability bundle worth £1,500 for their project.

By sharing their carbon-busting plans, schools could snag themselves one of three sustainability kits – a swap shop, a sustainability hub, or outdoor learning equipment.

To be in with a chance of winning, schools had to upload a short video with students and teachers telling judges why their school was an eco leader, the work they’ve already done in sustainability, a little about the students who would use the space, and how winning would transform the school and community.

Three school children holding school uniforms

The 2024 winners

The winning projects range from squeezing new life out of preloved school uniforms, repair and reuse workshops, mental-health-boosting nature connection spaces, and an eco-learning events facility.

“We’ve had a huge amount of feedback from parents and carers on how valuable the uniform shop is, and we work hard to ensure there is no stigma around using it – people are using it with sustainability in mind. We work closely with our local charity shop who donate shoes and uniform and jackets to us, and we have parents who volunteer to help run the shop, as they can see how much value it has within our community. Thank you so much again for making it possible.”

Headteacher from Beith Primary School.

For a chance to enter fantastic competitions like this sign up to Let’s Go Zero today.


Let’s Go Zero is a campaign led by Ashden. All content © 2024 Ashden. Registered office: The Peak, 3rd Floor 5 Wilton Road, London, SW1V 1AP Registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee. Registered number: 05062574/ Charity number: 1104153

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