Let’s Go Zero school action: Smith’s Wood Primary, England
Smith’s Wood Primary has been empowering their students to take action on climate change. Some of the initiatives the students have come up with are:
Meat Free Friday’s
Energy Audits
Walk to School campaigns
They also have a prioritised creating more biodiversity friendly areas and giving regular access to green spaces for their students.
Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.
The teachers and students leading the action:
“Our sustainability work, through our campaigns and promotion of onsite gardening and produce growing, is a way of helping our pupils to experience our effect on the world and allow children to lead on their thoughts and actions required to improve sustainability in our school and community.”
Andy Mills Math’s Lead
What are they doing in their school?
The school has worked with the local council and community on an Anti-idling campaign to reduce car pollution levels outside the school. A lot of the students walk to school and take part in Walk to School campaigns. They run bike safety classes for older children and about a third of the year group have taken part in it.
The students campaigned to the school leaders to introduce Meat Free Fridays in the canteen and encourage packed lunch for students and staff to do the same.
The school also has its own food growing areas where students learn about food growing and all vegetables grown are used in the kitchen.
The school has slow flow taps and are hoping to install taps which switch off automatically. The children take part in monitoring water usage and help identify any leaks.
Smith Wood’s Primary is located in an urban area so having access to natural school grounds is a great benefit to the students. The school received £10,000 from Lottery Funding to create a school pond which has encouraged more biodiversity and they have an outdoor classroom and sensory garden.
They have achieved the Gold Green Tree Award and planted the trees they received through the award in their school grounds. They have recently replaced a plastic-coated play area with wood bark mulch and have made two bug and insect hotels.
Students took part in an energy audit and have been empowered to switch off lights and electronics whilst holding staff to account. All light bulbs have been changed to LED lighting and heating can now be controlled in each classroom – saving on energy bills.