Let’s Go Zero school action:
South Molton Primary School, England

South Molton Primary Schools’ staff and students feel passionate about sustainability and the environment. They have already: 

  • Installed solar panels on the school roof and hold No Electricity Days once a term. 


  • Has made food growing a part of the curriculum. 


  • Increased the amount of cycle storage so there’s adequate room for storage for children and staff, encouraging active travel to school. 

Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.

The teachers and students leading the action:

Let’s Go Zero is a very good fit for what we’re trying to do”

Tom Parkin

What are they doing in their school?

The school council and Green Team encourage people to walk and cycle to school when possible and the school have increased the amount of cycle storage so there’s adequate room for storage for children and staff, encouraging active travel to school.  

South Molton Primary hold different activities and awards to encourage sustainable travel to school.  

Recently the school has expanded their food growing areas and have now made it part of the curriculum, so every child has a chance to grow food. All food waste produced by the school is composted on site and used  

For the last five years South Molton Primary has been doing a No Electricity Day every term, where they turn off all electricity for the day and do some outdoor learning all based around energy and wider environment. The students love the challenge, especially in the winter as it gets darker.  

The school also monitors how much electricity they use and work out daily patterns and installed solar panels on the school roof to reduce the amount of electricity they buy from the grid.  

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