Let’s Go Zero school action: St Vincent’s School, England
St Vincents is a specialist school for sensory impairments and other needs. The school’s aims are carbon reduction, sustainable action and employment.
St Vincent’s have a curriculum that is including children with disabilities, through which they are excelling in climate innovation.
The students take part in food growing which is the used in a community café.
The school has many future ambitions for how it will produce its energy.
Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.
The teachers and students leading the action:
“Acting on climate change is an absolute necessity and our young people want to take a lead – their imagination is limitless.”
John Patterson Head Teacher
“This is what we’re doing for a nature we may never see – what are you doing?”
Student at St Vincent’s
What are they doing in their school?
Students learn about horticulture and manage allotments and gardens in the school grounds. The food they grow is used in a community café that is in the school that the students help to run and gain work experience.
The schools’ grounds are quite extensive, so they have lots of room for nature base activities. They have areas for food growing and orchards as well as biodiversity and pollinator areas.
The school has closed down one boiler and has replaced it with a biomass wood chip boiler. There are also LED lights all over the school. They would like to invest in other sustainable energy technologies such as heat pumps and solar panels.
Weekly enrichment days in which students can take part in environmental studies, gardening and creative activities, all linked to climate action. Which embeds horticulture across the school curriculum enhancing literacy, numeracy and communication skills as well as improving physical and mental wellbeing and improving employability.
The students are involved in everything around the school. Climate action has been integrated into all elements of the curriculum, student enrichment days, school activities and outings. They have produced an inspiring video, ‘Reclaim the Green, Reclaim the Nature’ embracing creativity and showing the influence young people can have.