Let’s Go Zero school action:
St Edmunds Campion Catholic Primary School, England

St Edmunds Campion have been working extensively on their climate action journey. They have: 

  • An extensive amount of green energy technologies including solar panels, ground source heat pump, sun pipes, biomass boiler and LED lights. 


  • Have achieved Green Flag Award 7 years running. 


  • They use a ‘Doorway’ programme to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum.   

Explore the Let’s Go Zero map to see where else teachers, students and school communities are taking action to become zero carbon by 2030.

The teachers and students leading the action:

Some teachers don’t want to talk to children about climate change as they don’t want to scare them. But I think we have to empower children. It’s our responsibility to educate and prepare them for the future and to give them hope.”

Patricia Opalko
Co-Head Teacher

“People are suffering because of us. We are throwing our plastic into the sea, and the fish could swallow the microplastic without even noticing and then people are eating the fish, so we’re all eating plastic.”

Year 4 Student

What are they doing in their school?

The school takes part in Happy Shoesday’ where students are encouraged to walk, cycle or scoot to school on a Tuesday with the reward of wearing their trainers in school all day. This has raised the profile of reducing car use among parents. 

The school also encourages parents to park further out and walk the last bit into school. This prevents harmful emissions at the school gates.

The Eco Team monitor the school environment and plant bee and butterfly friendly plants, create bird feeders, and maintain the school vegetable garden. The Team also makes sure the school remains litter free.

The school has an extensive amount of green energy technologies including solar panels, ground source heat pump, sun pipes, biomass boiler and LED lights. They were able to install this measure from a series of grants.

Each class has a sustainable ‘doorway’ to learn about in detail, these are:  travel and traffic, energy, global citizenship, school grounds, food and drink, water, and waste.  By having these doorways all students get to learn about each topic. It is intrinsic to our school vision and development. 

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