Join schools, colleges, and nurseries across the UK on their journey to zero carbon

By joining Let’s Go Zero, you’re playing a vital role in creating a healthier, lower-carbon future – so thank you for being here!

Everyone’s welcome to join the movement, whether you’re a decision-maker who’s ready to sign up their school for the zero carbon pledge, or a teacher who wants help encouraging their school head to take the first step.

From guidance on retrofitting solar panels and reducing waste to bespoke advice on accessing funding, lower carbon menus and curriculum resources – we’re here to help your school go zero carbon by 2030.

I'm a headteacher or school decision maker

Sign up your school, college or nursery today to Let’s Go Zero, and join a network of 4,000+ schools that have pledged to go zero carbon by 2030.

Once your school’s signed up, you’ll be able to access free resources and support on reducing carbon emissions, and book our team of Climate Action Advisors who will work with you to create a free bespoke carbon action plan and help you find funding to roll it out.

I’m a teacher, parent or community member

We need you to help us inspire your headteacher to sign up your school for Let’s Go Zero!

Join the movement now and we’ll send you fantastic tips, activities and resources – essentially everything you need – to convince your school, college or nursery to cut their carbon emissions.

Contact us

Twitter: @LetsGo_Zero

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