
Take action to reduce your school's carbon impact now, and start seeing and measuring the benefits.



  • Implementing active travel schemes to encourage walking and cycling to school
  • Students and staff using liftshare apps
  • Moving to electric school buses
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  • Collecting food waste and recycling separately
  • Setting up second hand school uniform sales
  • Putting a 'zero to landfill' waste contract in place
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  • Signing up to #NoBeef Movement (no beef or lamb served)
  • Suppling Fairtrade food
  • Growing and using food on-site
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  • Adding timers to taps to reduce wastage
  • Harvesting rainwater using water butts
  • Installing a smart meter to capture daily information, engage students and provide tracking data



  • Setting up a garden club
  • Organising tree planting initiatives
  • Planting of pollinator-friendly herbaceous beds
  • Stopping the use of peat and pesticides
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  • Organising student-led energy audits
  • Holding 'low electricity' or 'no electricity' days
  • Installing biomass boiler or ground source heat pumps and solar panels
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  • Teaching how our students are ‘stewards for the environment' in RE
  • Translating school's eco code into different languages in MFL classes
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  • Using only FSC paper
  • Using catering suppliers that provide straw free drink cartons
  • Supplying food in low or no plastic packaging
  • Writing sustainable procurement into the school sustainability policy
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In partnership with Transform Our World and the Let’s Go Zero coalition, we have launched a free, online, easy-to-use action planning tool to help teachers and students prioritise the actions their school can take to reduce its environmental impact.

This toolkit is an amazing resource for schools to reduce their carbon footprint and help them on their journey to zero carbon.

  • Reduce their carbon footprint and help them on their journey to zero
  • Identify actions across the school’s campus, curriculum, community and culture, showing a wide range of options to reduce their environmental impact
  •  Help everyone in the school community understand the issues surrounding the climate crisis and what they can do to take action
  •  Help students and staff learn and build skills for the future, whilst supporting personal wellbeing and mental health through taking action to protect our planet.

As more schools begin to take action, these practical tips around reducing our carbon impact will ripple through the school community, inspiring staff, students and families to take on daily lifestyle changes too and help protect our planet.

Whether your school is just at the start of its climate action journey or already on its way, create a tailored action plan specific to your school, and start seeing and measuring the impact now.

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