
Sign up to The Climate Action Countdown

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Image of The Climate Action Countdown resources

Every day from 7 June to 5 July, schools around the UK are taking on a different activity linked to sustainability.

We’ll share news about the month of action, how schools around the UK are getting involved and give you access to The Climate Action Countdown resources pack. 

29 days of fun, inclusive, inspiring action! Let’s help our schools be zero carbon by 2030.

Problemau cofrestri? Os ydych yn cael unrhyw anhawsterau yn cyflwyno'r ffurflen uchod, e-bostiwch portal-support@sfct.org.uk a byddwn yn ceisio datrys y broblem. Os ydych chi'n dweud yr ateb i'r cwestiwn 'Rwy'n...' uchod, gallwn gofrestru chi ein hun drwy'r system.

There are so many activities and ways to get involved

Image of children looking for insects in a bug house that they have made.
Text reads: Grow food. A school pupil is smilling at the camera whilst crouched down next to a cabbage that they have grown.
Text reads: Look closer. Two school children are looking through a microscope at a plant.