

ac eisiau helpu f’ysgol i ymuno.

Hyd yn oed os nad ydych yn aelod o dîm arweinyddiaeth eich ysgol, mae gennych ran fawr i’w chwarae o ran perswadio eich pennaeth, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach i gefnogi ysgolion sero carbon.

Dyma rai adnoddau a lawrlwythiadau i helpu eich ysgol i weithredu ac ymuno â Let's Go Zero.

“Bod yn rhan o weithredu ar yr hinsawdd yn yr ysgol yw’r peth pwysicaf. Yr hyn sy’n rhoi’r mwyaf o foddhad yw gweld y fath effaith ymledol. Mae ysgolion eraill wedi dod i gysylltiad ar ôl gweld y gwaith a wnaethom. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn mynd gartref a dweud wrth eu rhieni, ac y maen nhw’n newid eu hymddygiad yn y cartref neu yn y gwaith.”
Jenny Chapman
Athrawes Bioleg
o staff ysgolion y tu ôl i Awn am Sero
"Rwyf eisiau gwneud yn siŵr nad yw cynaliadwyedd yn rhywbeth sydd wedi ei ‘ychwanegu’, ond ei fod yn cael ei wreiddio trwy ein holl ysgolion. Fel unigolion, dim ond hyn-a-hyn fedrwn ni wneud, ond gyda’n gilydd, gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth mawr. Rydym eisiau i’n hysgol oleuo’n ffordd ym materion yr amgylchedd yn eu cymunedau lleol."
Margaret Land
Arweinydd Cynaliadwyedd
"Does dim sy’n ysbrydoli mwy na gweld pobl ifanc yn llawn brwdfrydedd wrth wneud ymchwil. Mae’r argyfwng hinsawdd yn rhoi cymaint o heriau ac yn rhoi ffordd i bobl ifanc weithredu. Mae helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau hyn yn eu grymuso ac yn gwireddu eu harloesedd a’u syniadau."
Becky Parker
Pennaeth Gwyddoniaeth


Mae taith sero carbon eich ysgol yn cychwyn yma

Mae’n bryd estyn allan at y bobl allweddol sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau yn eich ysgol, ac esbonio pam y dylent anelu at ddod yn ysgol sero carbon erbyn 2030 – a sut y gall ymgyrch Awn am Sero helpu.

Cofiwch bwysleisio manteision ehangach gweithredu ar yr hinsawdd, o gyfleoedd dysgu i filiau ynni is yn y dosbarth. Dywedwch wrthynt pa mor frwd y mae eich disgyblion am fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hinsawdd, a sut y bydd ymuno â’r ymgyrch yn dwyn pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd i mewn ac yn eu hysbrydoli.

1. Rhowch y gair ar led am y rhan bwysig y gall ysgolion chwarae i fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hinsawdd.

Yr unig ffordd y gall ein hysgolion, cymunedau, busnesau a’n gwleidyddion wrando yw i ni ddefnyddio ein lleisiau i alw am y newid yr ydym eisiau ei weld.

Mae’n bryd codi llais am y rhan y mae ysgolion yn chwarae i greu dyfodol sero carbon, gweithio ynghyd trwy ymgyrch Awn am Sero i drawsnewid ein hysgolion a diogelu ein planed i genedlaethau’r dyfodol.

Postiadau a delweddau cyfryngau cymdeithasol:


2. Rhannu’r ymgyrch gyda’ch cydweithwyr.

Soniwch wrth eich cydweithwyr am y rôl hanfodol fydd gan eich ysgol i daclo’r argyfwng hinsawdd a’u cyflwyno i ymgyrch Awn am Sero fel ffordd o weithredu yn syth


Ebost: letsgozero@ashden.org
Twitter: @LetsGo_Zero


Spread the word about the important role schools can play in tackling the climate crisis with these ready-made Tweets:

Add this image to your post:

Use this text and image to shout about the role schools can play in tackling the climate crisis:

Young people are demanding action on #ClimateChange and leading the way on climate action.

We can support them now by taking action with @letsgozerouk, the campaign uniting schools working to be zero carbon by 2030.

Let’s Go Zero empowers all young people to:

🌍respond to the climate emergency in their everyday lives 

💪take action within their communities 

🌱see the impact of their action right now.

It’s time to ensure our schools become cleaner, healthier and sustainable learning environments that can drive change in communities and lead us towards a zero carbon future: https://letsgozero.org/

Use this text and image to share your call for zero carbon schools on Instagram:

Young people are demanding action on #ClimateChange and leading the way on climate action.

We can support them now by taking action with @letsgo_zero the campaign uniting schools working to be zero carbon by 2030.

Let’s Go Zero empowers all young people to:

🌍respond to the climate emergency in their everyday lives 

💪take action within their communities 

🌱see the impact of their action right now.

It’s time to ensure our schools become cleaner, healthier and sustainable learning environments that can drive change in communities and lead us towards a zero carbon future: https://letsgozero.org/

Use this image with your post:


Here’s some text you can use in an email to tell your colleagues about Let’s Go Zero and how they can help encourage your school to make the zero carbon pledge.

Feel free to tweak and adapt it as necessary.


Welsoch chi’r ymgyrch ysgolion Awn am Sero, school campaign? Up and down the UK, hundreds of schools are signing up and declaring their aim to be zero carbon by 2030. 

(YOUR SCHOOL’S NAME) can play a crucial role in helping tackle the climate crisis today by joining Let’s Go Zero and aspiring to become a zero carbon school.

By joining, we can:

  • respond to our young people’s calls for action and enable them to take action on climate issues that directly impact their own community
  • send a strong message to our students, their families and our community that we aim to do all we can to safeguard our planet for future generations
  • lead by example on how we can do things differently in our daily lives, from changing how we travel and heat our buildings, to reducing water waste and switching to lower carbon diets.

Imagine what we could achieve if all 32,000 schools in the UK started working now to become zero carbon!

To become part of Let’s Go Zero, our leadership team must ymuno yma.. Please join me in supporting zero carbon schools and asking that (YOUR SCHOOL NAME) signs up. Let me know if you would like to join me in raising this with SLT?

Download this leaflet and show it to your teacher to inform them about the campaign: